Monday, April 2, 2007

Virgin Post

Well, here I am. At the suggestion of a very good and new friend, I have created my little corner of the web. I am not entirely sure what my mind will come up with to fill these pages. But I know that this is a place for me to speak of things that I can rarely discuss, a place to let my fantasies and imagination run wild, a place to indulge. New experiences, new friendships, new fantasies. And I can't wait for them all to begin. I have a new friend. Now it's time for us to begin those new experiences and indulging in the fantasies we have been sharing back and forth. It will all be delicious fun!


Misguided Angel said...

Welcome to our little erotic corner of the world, beautiful.

Dave said...

Congrats on your new blog! have fun with it while you explore the otk universe :-)
